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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Starting an Online Franchise Business

With online shopping on the rise and an growing number of individuals going online as their initial stop for buying products and services, online franchises are part of a fast growing market. Even for those that don't actually shop on the web, the world wide web is turning into a recurrent place for people to do their research before making a buying decision.If you take into account the non-geographical nature of online business together with the wide range of goods and services that afford themselves...
Monday, October 19, 2009

A Quick Research on Various Types of Ways on Building an Email List

Every busines sonline or off line needs a promotion. The type of business we wish to reserch is email marketing techniques.Using newsletters, announcements, promotions, is a good, inexpensive way to reach prospects and customers with your message. Being totaly honest and keeping our integrity we don´t want to send promotions without consent of the prospects.You probably already have a number of email addresses collected in your contact management softwares. This would be a first source of addresses...
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